Gracefull Community Cafe more full of grace than you might know
Today I went to a coffee tour. What is a coffee tour? Well, I am sure some places it is something like a wine tasting. Perhaps you get a...
MCM on screen
I love it when a show or movie features MCM homes. When I was just beginning to explore architecture beyond Frank Lloyd Wright I...
Could Mid-Century Modern be more popular that its heyday?
I love MCM as much as the next fan. Now I just wonder how many fans are out there. As a realtor I keep my eye on the MCM activity in the...
So, It has so long since I posted a blog I don't think I can call this blogging. I should probably stop... But I found all these great...
I wish I lived in Plano
Ok. Is blogging once a month OK? Seems wrong, but I already admitted, I am not a writer.... It is just lovely to post my memories...
I have been embracing my MCM roots. I am the niece of a renown Frank Lloyd Wright restoration archit #midcenturymodern #MCM #ArapahoHills #laurajoneshomes